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European project of sustenibility design and social integration
With the Applied Sciences University of Salzburg
In 2017, to celebrate the 500th year anniversary of Martin Luther´s protestant reform in Wittenberg, Germany, the project Weaving Cultures (Flechten-Flüchten) seeks to provide a message of hope to the European asylum and immigration policies by investing in the future, as this is what we understand as true reform.  Weaving Cultures is a series of participatory workshops whose aim is to integrate different cultures through a creative activity. The Maritime Museum of Barcelona and the Fisheries Museum of Palamós led the programme in Spain. This was then developed into workshops in Switzerland, France and Austria.  The creations from these workshops were boats and architectural structures which will be installed in the lake of Wittenberg as a metaphor, symbol and testimony to those who lost their lives after being forced through conflict to exile their countries.

MUSEO MARITIMO DRASSANES Barcelona_Weaving Cultures_September 2016_

Workshop with refugees, migrants and students from the University of Applied Sciences, Salzburg

MOTOCO Quartier DMC. Mulhouse. France_Weaving Cultures_November 2016

Workshop with refugees, migrants and students from the University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW.

TERRA DE MAR_Maritime Festival_Weaving Cultures_May 2016

Workshop with children and families

«In the same instance, our society both gets older and is not rejuvenated.

Craftsmanship has become mechanised and our children meet on WhatsApp and no longer on the streets.

This place is where our little ones recognise company logos, rather than Logos (the word). Where churches are empty and the temples of consumerism are bursting at the seams.

Where globalisation means “yoga on Wednesdays and sushi on Fridays,” where philosophy is simply a word people don´t understand, where ethics no longer appears in the curriculum. Where society is no longer a community and is fragmented and disoriented.

It´s not by chance that this is where we now find refugees.

Refugees are now piling up, their bodies being crushed at our frontiers.

Xenophobia is fear of the unknown, and this is when our flags are waved, where we sing our anthems and we divide into tribes.

Then, after all that we throw out those we don´t know as a kind of exorcism, or we marginalise them at the cost of creating ghettos in the outskirts of our cities.”

Manifesto by Michael Leube





Österreichs Beitrag zu Lutherjahr von FH Salzburg


Studenten der Fachhochschule Salzburg haben den österreichischen Beitrag zur „Weltausstellung Reformation“ zum Luther-Jahres in Wittenberg geliefert. Die geflochtene Boote sind dort die markanteste Installation.

"Construire bien plus que des bateaux" . Journal de l'Alsace

Depuis mardi et jusqu’à aujourd’hui, des étudiants de l’université de sciences appliquées de Salzbourg et du campus de design de Bâle travaillent sur un projet artistique en compagnie de quatre réfugiés syriens et kosovar. Ces « bateaux pour la liberté », construits à Mulhouse, en rejoindront d’autres pour une exposition internationale en Allemagne.

"Mulhouse : des barques pour la paix et la justice". France info

Des étudiants de différentes nationalités et des réfugiés ont participé à Mulhouse à un projet artistique européen dans le cadre des 500 ans de la Réforme de Luther, en construisant des barques.

Saint Etienne. Mulhouse

"...est l'occasion pour le public de rencontrer les réfugiés et les étudiants, de s'informer et de découvrir comment des réfugiés et des étudiants peuvent collaborer et apprendre les uns des autres. C'est aussi une manière de prendre conscience des situations concrètes de ceux qui, avant d'être des réfugiés, sont avant tout des personnes en quête de protection et de liberté."


"...Ariane Patout i René són els coordinadors dels tallers del projecte Woven Cultures ..."

Interview TV BTV News

Aquí s'han construït fins a set embarcacions que simbolitzen com els immigrants fugen de les penúries dels seus països. Aquestes construccions s'han fet només amb fusta i materials orgànics que es reutilitzaran en altres projectes. El taller vol ser una metàfora de com Europa ha donat l'esquena a les persones que demanen refugi.

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