Golden Darkness

Artistic intervention in homage and denunciation to forest fires
The 2012 forest fires in Spain: the most destructive this century.
216,893 hectares of forest was burnt in 15,978 forest fires, 9,000 of which were intentional.
The 2012 Alt Empordá forest fires were caused by two fires that were started in La Junquera and Portbou, in the province of Girona, Spain. More than 13,000 hectares were burnt.

A golden tree in the darkness:
Golden Darkness is an artistic gesture in nature that was inspired by the feelings that arose from the striking image of profound darkness of the charred woods after the fires.
Walking through a charred forest brings about a sensation of non-life: the smell of charcoal, the silence of the destruction, stepping over an ashen carpet, everything black.
The delicate work of covering a charred tree with gold leaf speaks to us as visual poetry, as both a claim against and an act of homage to the forest´s destruction.
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"Golden Darkness"
En un lloc una mica apartat a l'altra banda de la carretera, la instal.lació de l'artista Ariane Patout titulada "Golden Darkness". Un arbre cremat, completament recobert amb pà d'or. Aqueste projecte fou en certa manera precursor de la mostra "Després del foc: art al bosc" ja que....